2 Reasons You Should Talk To Your Dentist About Gingival Contouring
When most people think about their smile, they tend to focus on the condition of their teeth. However, like a fine painting surrounded by a golden frame, your gums can dramatically affect the way that your teeth look and feel. Fortunately, cosmetic dentists can reshape your gums to create the perfect backdrop for those pearly whites. Here are two reasons you should talk to your dentist about gingival contouring today:
1: Aesthetics
Does your smile seem a little off? If your gums are overgrown or misshapen, it might make your teeth look strange too. Fortunately, gum contouring is an effective, painless procedure that can help to shift the focus to your teeth. After numbing the area with a topical cream, your dentist will use a soft tissue laser to gently remove excess tissue. Here are a few common gum problems that contouring solves:
- Gummy Smile: Do you have one of those "gummy smiles"? Don't make the mistake of assuming you will have to live with that family trait forever. By carefully outlining a larger gum line and removing a little extra tissue, your dentist might be able to show more of your teeth.
- Uneven Gums: If you have gum recession in one part of your mouth and overgrown gums in another, it might make your teeth look like they are drastically different sizes. However, gum contouring can even out that gum line, so that all of your teeth look straight and even.
- Gum Injuries: Physical trauma can cause gum tissue to scar, overgrow, or shrink away. Fortunately, gum reshaping can correct the problem so that you can forget about the accident.
If you are worried about gum contouring being a lengthy process, you shouldn't be. Most cosmetic dentists can perform the entire procedure in about an hour—making it possible for you to repair the problem during a long lunch break.
2: Reduces Gum Pockets
In addition to improving the look of your teeth, gum reshaping can also keep grime from accumulating in your mouth. Once plaque and tartar have started to collect on your teeth, they can make their way underneath your gums. These areas are referred to as "gum pockets," and they pave the way for painful tooth and jawbone infections. Fortunately, when excess tissue is trimmed away, these pockets can be reduced or eliminated. Here are a few reasons gum pocket reduction is a good thing:
- Keep Your Teeth Clean: Because overgrown, misshapen gums can catch food particles and create hiding spaces for bacteria, gum reshaping can help you to keep your teeth clean. Once excess tissue is removed, you will be able to brush, floss, and rinse your teeth more effectively.
- Fend off Periodontal Disease: When food bits, plaque, and bacteria have places to hide near your gum line, periodontal disease might be right around the corner. Because bacteria creates toxins as it grows and multiplies, gum tissue will start to shrink away from existing pockets—which can break down the underlying bone and connective tissue. Unfortunately, the deeper the pocket, the more susceptible your teeth are to periodontal disease. To fend off gum disease, consider gum contouring anytime your gum pockets start to grow. While pockets are considered normal when they are 1-3 millimeters deep, pockets over 4 millimeters might mean that you have a gum infection. Once pockets have reached a depth of 7 millimeters, the damage might become permanent.
Although having excess gum tissue removed might sound painful, it is a painless process that doesn't require stitches. Also, since the soft tissue laser disinfects your gums as it removes extra tissue, your chances of developing an infection are lower.
By investing in gingival contouring, you can keep your teeth healthy and beautiful. You can click this link for more information on this service or other services offered by cosmetic dental clinics.