
Ibd Sufferers: You Can End the Struggle

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Ibd Sufferers: You Can End the Struggle

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis eight years ago, and I was told that I would likely struggle with flare-ups for the rest of my life. I heard stories of other sufferers who had to eventually have their colons removed, and I became determined to not become part of this statistic. I was prescribed a daily medication that helps manage my condition, and although I don't like taking pills, I realize I need it to keep my colon healthy. I still experienced flares, so I began an elimination diet recommended by my doctor and found my "trigger" foods. I have now been flare-free for two years! I created this blog to help remind others with IBD that there is hope. You can end the constant struggle if you work with your doctor to try different methods of controlling your disease.

Teen Health Care: 3 Strategies for Helping Your Kid Learn to Talk to the Doctor Alone

When your kid was little, they loved going to the doctor since they got to see how tall they'd grown. Now, you can tell that your teenager dreads their visits probably more than those childhood vaccinations. Since you know that developing a strong relationship with their doctor is important for their long-term health, use these tips to make these first solo visits go smoothly.

Find the Right Doctor

It is important for your teen to view their doctor as someone that they can trust. For some teens, it can be a little awkward talking to their pediatrician about things that are occurring now that they have grown up. Now that your kid has surpassed the earliest stages of their development, consider switching them to a family doctor who they can continue to see into adulthood. Talk to your teen about what makes them comfortable when they are at the doctor, and select an office that fits their preferences.

Encourage Honesty

Teenagers may not always be honest with their parents, but it is important for them to know that they should always be honest with their physician. This is because things such as sexually transmitted diseases and emotional disorders can arise during the teen years, and a kid who is honest with their doctor is more likely to get treatment. Find out the confidentiality laws in your area, and make sure that your teen knows that what they say in their appointment is between their doctor and themselves. While it is hard not to know all of the details, making sure your child feels safe asking questions or requesting help is an important part of safeguarding their health.

Keep Up With Regular Exams

Parents sometimes relax about those yearly exams once the primary growth stage has passed. However, seeing their family doctor regularly makes it easier for teens to develop a rapport that allows them to talk openly during their appointments. It is also during regular exams that a doctor might notice signs of potential problems such as drastic change in their weight or the symptoms of depression that need to be addressed immediately.

You know that your doctor is your biggest partner for ensuring better health, and this is one lesson that you definitely want to pass down to your kid. By making sure that your child is comfortable talking to their family doctor, you can prepare them for making the best decisions for their health. To learn more, talk to family practices like Snow Creek Medical Center.