
Ibd Sufferers: You Can End the Struggle

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Ibd Sufferers: You Can End the Struggle

I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis eight years ago, and I was told that I would likely struggle with flare-ups for the rest of my life. I heard stories of other sufferers who had to eventually have their colons removed, and I became determined to not become part of this statistic. I was prescribed a daily medication that helps manage my condition, and although I don't like taking pills, I realize I need it to keep my colon healthy. I still experienced flares, so I began an elimination diet recommended by my doctor and found my "trigger" foods. I have now been flare-free for two years! I created this blog to help remind others with IBD that there is hope. You can end the constant struggle if you work with your doctor to try different methods of controlling your disease.

What Do The Early Stages Of Parkinson's Disease Look Like?

If you suspect that a loved one has Parkinson's disease or you know somebody who has been diagnosed with the early stages of the condition, you are bound to have a lot of questions. After all, this condition comes with many subtle symptoms. 

These are some of the things you should know about the earliest stages of Parkinson's disease and how a clinical trial may help relieve some of these symptoms.

Little Interference With Daily Life

The first thing you should know is that the earliest stages of Parkinson's disease may be very easy to ignore or overlook. These are symptoms that do not interfere with routine, which can be comforting. Still, this does not mean that you are not looking for ways to fight the symptoms that do occur.

One Side of the Body May Tremor

In the early stages of the condition, you may notice that one side of your body shakes or experiences tremors more than the other. This means that your loved one might still have one side of the body that is completely functional. Still, you might consider a clinical trial to ease some of the shaking that does occur.

Posture May Droop

Another symptom you may notice in somebody else is that their posture may begin to droop slightly. Your loved one's posture might begin to sag a bit when they are walking or standing. A clinical trial may provide some assistance in getting strength and mobility back in all parts of the body. This may prevent drooping shoulders.

Walking May Become Harder

Even in the earlier stages of Parkinson's, your loved one may begin to struggle with walking. You may also notice some changes in their gait, which can be concerning. You may pursue a clinical trial for answers about addressing mobility issues.

Facial Expressions May Change

One of the earliest signs of Parkinson's comes in the form of changing facial expressions. You may notice some alarming changes, but they may come and go. Any sort of muscle concern should be brought to the doctor, who may recommend trials with medications that could potentially help with these types of issues.

Clinical Trials Can Ease the Earliest Symptoms

You may find that treating Parkinson's is simpler in the early stages of the disease. In fact, a clinical trial may be helpful in relieving these symptoms. Contact a provider to learn more about getting started with a trial.

For more information, contact an early-stage Parkinson's clinical trial